Supporting our Students
Supporting our students is very important to us. We want to help you through short videos created by academic staff on how to support our students and in particular our 1st Years.
We also tell you about the variety of Academic Support Centres available that you can guide your students to for extra support throughout the year.
Exam Supports
The exam process is a complex and respected function of the IT.
It is governed by strict policies and procedures and this series of recordings will look at the exam experience from the lecturer’s perspective.
The recordings will take an overview of how the policies and procedures are put into practice. It is hoped that they will help a new lecturer understand the flow of the process.
You can view the below recordings in T&L Moodle page –> Supporting our Students –> Exam Supports.
- General Assessment Information
- Writing Exam Questions
- Exam Procedures (including Guru)
- After Exams – What happens next
- Quality Documentation
- Exams Conference 2019
- Generation of Exam Papers
- How to Enter Grades for All Coursework
- The Role of the Internal Examiner
Supporting First Year Sudents
The first year student will be identified and their attributes explored in these recordings.
The journey that a first year student undertakes will be looked at with special reference to some of the challenges that first year in college can pose to our students.
While we were all first-year students at some point, each students’ journey is unique and it is important to be mindful and considerate of each students’ challenges.
Knowing where students can engage with support systems is discussed as well as discussing the limitation, we, as lecturers, are confined by when dealing with students in difficulty.
We offer a wide range of recordings answering questions such as:
- Who are first years?
- Why students might need support?
- Strategies to identifying at risk students.
- Support systems available
Plus we offer our students resources such as:
Academic Success
This resource will prepare students for college life and give helpful tips and advice on how to find information. This course covers everything a student needs from adapting to college life to managing study skills and academic integrity. This resource is available to all registered IT Sligo students. An open badge is awarded to the student upon successful completion of the course.
Student Support Services
The aim of Student Support Services at the Institute of Technology Sligo is to provide a comprehensive and caring service, to help our students to achieve their full academic and personal potential.
The Student Support Services Officer is available to see students about any personal, general or welfare issues. Our motto is ‘Caring for our Students’.
For more information, please visit the Student Support Services page.
Additionally, you will find a bank of information such as the Access Office, how to get special consideration for examinations etc., on the Student Portal.
Visit our dedicated Academic writing Centre, Maths Support Centre,
and Engineering Support Centre
The Academic Writing Centre offers advice and support on all aspects of academic writing to all students of IT Sligo, both on-campus and online.
The centre is located on the top floor of the Yeats Library on campus. In this dedicated space, students can avail of 1:1 appointments with an experienced writing tutor in a friendly and informal atmosphere. 1:1 appointments can also be held live online in the tutor’s online meeting room.
This interactive space allows for live discussion between the tutor and student, while document and screen sharing features enable resources to be shared and written feedback to be provided.
Visit Academic Writing Centre on Moodle.
The Maths Support Centre hopes to help you with any problems you’re having with maths. All the services are free of charge to IT Sligo students (both online and campus students).
Where? Room B1086 Monday-Thursday at the times scheduled below.
Schedule a time to meet with a Maths Tutor online over video/audio via the scheduler
You can upload PDFs/photos/screenshots of questions and topics you’re having trouble with. We will correct them for you and offer guidance on the topic
If you’d prefer not to meet in a group setting, then you can meet up with a maths tutor on a one to one basis. 15 minutes slots can be booked here on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 4 and 5pm in room E1012 (Note: this service will resume once all COVID restrictions lift).
Visit Maths Support Centre on Moodle, or get in touch at
Students can reserve online tutorials with the Engineering Support Centre. Tutorials take place on Tuesdays from 6:00-7:00pm.
ESC Tutors’ Online Meeting Room
Alternatively students can connect with the tutors via video/audio.
Select ‘guest’ access and enter your full name.
*By previously arranged appointment only.
ESC Upload Area
If you have any question/problem you want help with, upload it here (a screenshot/photo/pdf etc.) and a tutor will annotate it with corrections and notes to help you understand the topic.
To access all the above resources and recordings, please go to our “Supporting our Students” Moodle page.