It is important to complete your Withdrawal/Deferral Form correctly, especially the dates of withdrawing or deferring.
Failure to do so may cost you money – in fees and loss of grants.
It may affect any refund of fees you paid.
It may also result in you being liable for tuition fees if you return to study at a later date.
SUSI and Social Welfare often request letters from the college with student Withdrawal/ Deferral dates.
It is not enough to tell or email a Lecturer or Head of Department that you are leaving.
You must complete the Official Process and fill the relevant Official Form.
You can find the Forms and Procedures below.
For full-time students who wish to request defer study (Module/Semester/Year)
How do I contact the Examinations office to defer an exam or project?
Visit the Examinations web page.
It is important to complete your Withdrawal/Deferral Form correctly, especially the dates of withdrawing or deferring. Failure to do so may cost you money – in both fees and loss of grants. It may also affect any refund of fees you paid.
It may also result in you being liable for tuition fees if you return to study at a later date.
In order for your deferral or withdrawal application to be considered you must complete the official process and complete the relevant application form. It is not enough to tell or email a Lecturer or Head of Department that you are leaving.
You can find the Forms and Procedures below.
Where a student only commences a programme in January they are entitled to a full refund (less the deposit) if full fees have been paid for the semester and if they formally withdraw before the end of February.
Please note: This type of deferral is for a complete module/semester/year and as such is not suitable for the deferral of examinations or projects
For students wishing to defer examinations or the submission of projects queries should be directed to the examinations office directly.
If you are unsure of the type of deferral that you require it is advisable that you discuss the matter with your academic staff or OSA in the first instance.