Reflecting on Your Practice
This excellent resource from Cambridge University outlines the research behind reflective practice in education and outlines practical steps you can take to get started.
The Inclusive Module Audit tool enables you to narrow our focus and zero in on how compliant our modules are or are not! The UCD Toolkit and CAST audit were adapted and modified to develop an IT Sligo specific UDL toolkit.
In 2020, 31 lectures took part in the National Forum funded SALTE project in 2019-2021 (An Effective Institutional Approach to Teaching, Learning & Assessment through a UDL Lens).
Anonymous feedback from SALTE Project participants:
“The process was very helpful. I feel all lecturers should avail of this and change all their modules over to a UDL principle. It benefits not only the students but the lecturers too”
“The process provided the opportunities for a reflexive discussion around teaching formats and highlighted current research within the institute which was most welcome.”
“I found the UDL audit very useful. It was very beneficial to get another person to view your module independently through the UDL lens and get such detailed and valuable feedback.”
“I found the process very effective and supportive. The feedback was very worthwhile, and the goal was always to enhance the experience for the students.”
Feedback from students to the 31 lecturers who redesigned their modules (to be UDL accessible) was extremely positive in enhancing their learning experience.e
Check out this easy, intuitive flowchart to check if you are meeting UDL progress markers throughout your course.
This Autumn, AHEAD and UCD Access & Lifelong Learning are teaming up to jointly deliver the Digital Badge for Universal Design in Teaching and Learning once again in a fully online format. This digital badge course, hosted by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning, will provide participants with a strong introduction to the Universal Design for Learning Framework and give them the opportunity to implement UDL approaches within the teaching activities they are currently undertaking. Thousands of higher education professionals from accross Ireland have participated in past years, including hundreds from ATU! We will host roll-outs throughout the academic year, so stay tuned for news of our next roll-out and join the growing Irish UDL community!
Testimonials from past participants:
- “The process was very helpful. I feel all lecturers should avail of this and change all their modules over [using] UDL principles. It benefits not only the students but the lecturers too.”
- “Great experience and chance to discuss ideas with colleagues…[it] has made me reflect on not only the delivery but the whole student experience.”
“Students engaged more: they expressed themselves without fear and without a feeling that they could give the wrong answer. They felt included and, most importantly, they felt equal.”
The Inclusive Teaching Visualiztion Project Observation Protocol (PAITE) provides a fantastic template for peer observations. It narrows in on the key aspects of inclusive pedagogy, and it can provide instructors with an objective view of their clasroom practices.