Full-time campus
Full-time online
Part-time online
Progression and transfers
Government funded courses (Springboard)
Free courses
Online student advisors for PT online
Fees and grants
Full-time course applications
Part-time course applications
Student success toolbox
Get ready for education
Foundation course
Foundation maths-lower
Foundation maths-higher
Preparing for academic writing
Academic study skills
The learning software
Getting familiar with Office 365
Student registration and account activation
Alternative entry pathways
Learning supports
Disability support
Assistive technology support
Accessibility tools
Student assistance fund
Laptop lending scheme
Alternative maths entry exam
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Student supports
Teaching technologies at ATU Sligo
Online learning environment
Live online lectures
Recorded lectures
Microsoft Office 365
Student email
Virtual software
Referencing software
Assistive technology
Technical support
Academic Success in 3rd level
Full-time student induction
Part-time student induction
English language support
Academic study skills supports
Academic integrity supports
Academic writing supports
Assessment supports
Library supports
Maths supports
Engineering supports
Protecting your wellbeing
Taking charge of your wellbeing
Counselling services
Pastoral care support
Healthy campus
Health centre services
Student support service
Online student advisors (part-time online students)
Speak-out reporting tool
What is consent?
Student Union
Class representatives
Clubs and societies
News and events
Postgraduate supports
International supports
Listen to our podcast
View our YouTube channel
Events calendar
Course options
Postgraduate society
Grad Ireland
Careers advisors
Online student advisors
Careers workshop
My career path
Job finder
LinkedIn learning
Salary finder
ATU Sligo LinkedIn
Alumni library membership
Guest speakers
Student placements