DR Kenneth Monaghan


Contact Details

Life Sciences
School of Science
Health Science & Physiology
Ash Lane

M: 087-9480448
E: monaghan.kenneth@itsligo.ie

E: Monaghan.Kenneth@itsligo.ie



Dr Kenneth Monaghan PhDMMedScMISCP

Director of Clinical Health & Nutrition Centre (CHANCE), Principle Investigator, Clinical Musculoskeletal Specialist Chartered Physiotherapist, Lecturer in Health Science & Physiology

Research/Academic Highlights To Date

  • Director of Clinical Health and Nutrition Centre (CHANCE) IT Sligo.     
  • Director of 'Neuroplasticity Research Group' Cluster IT Sligo.      
  • Awarded €250,000 Research Funding.     
  • 14 Peer Reviewed Impact Factored International Journal articles.       
  • 14 National/International Conference Proceedings.       
  • Main Organising Committee & Website 3rd International Ankle Symposium, September 1st-3rd 2006 (www.ucd.ie/anklesym).       
  • Former Editor in Chief 'Physiotherapy Research Practice'.       
  • Committee Member of ISCP Overseas Application Committee.      
  • Member of International Ankle Consortium (Investigate Chronic Ankle Instability).        
  • Member of 'Universitas 21' UCD Representative. Interprofessional Education.       
  • Secretary of Chartered Physiotherapist's in Education (CPE) 2004-2005.

Institute of Technology Sligo
, School of Science, Programme Chair, Assistant Lecturer.
October 2012 - Present (3 years 5 months) Ireland.

Research in Stroke Rehabilitation (Mirror Therapy/Cross-over Education of Strength), Novel Medical Devices for Neurology Rehabilitation, Cochrane Author.

PI (Principal Investigator) for Institute of Technology Ireland (IOTI) Postgraduate Research Fellowship (Mirror Therapy & Treadmill Training in Stroke). Collaborators University College Dublin Ireland, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2014-2016.

PI (Principal Investigator) for Institute of Technology Ireland (IOTI) Postgraduate Research Fellowship (Mirror Therapy & Cross-over Education of Strength in Stroke). Collaborators University College Dublin Ireland, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2014-2016.

PI (Principal Investigator) for Institute of Technology Sligo President's Bursary Postgraduate Research Fellowship (Mirror Therapy & Cross-over Education of Strength in Stroke).

Collaborators: University College Dublin Ireland, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2014-2016.

Lecturing in 'Research Methods', Functional Anatomy & Kinesiology', 'Health & Fitness' and 'Facilitation Skills'. 

Course Development
: (Proposed) BSc Health Science & Physical Activity.


Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LyIT), School of Business (Sports Development & Coaching), Lecturer.
August 2008 - May 2009 (10 months) Ireland.  

in 'Fitness Testing', 'Resistance Training', 'Sports Facility Management', 'Personal Fitness Instruction'. 

 Funding Applications for Strand 1 (Seed Funding) applications to Irish Research Council.


St. Angela's College, Sligo, School of Nursing, HRB Cochrane Research Fellow/Part-Time Lecturer. August 2009 - July 2012 (3 years 2 months) Ireland.

in Spasticity in Stroke Rehabilitation (Cochane Systematic Review).

PI (Principal Investigator) for HRB Cochrane Research Fellowship (Physical treatments for spasticity in stroke). Collaborators University College Dublin Ireland, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, University of Jordanstown UK, University of Glasgow UK 2009-Present.

Lecturing in 'Physiotherapy in Intellectual Disability', 'Research Project Supervision'.

Invited Speaker, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference 2009; 'Experience of Editor of Professional Peer Review Journal'.

Member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP). 


University College Dublin, School of Physiotherapy, Regional Placement Facilitator.
August 2007 - July 2008 (1 years) Ireland.

Clinical Tutor/Regional Placement Facilitator:
UCD Physiotherapy undergraduate's placement in Sligo General Hospital.


University College Dublin, School of Physiotherapy, Lecturer.
August 2003 - July 2007 (4 years 2 months) Ireland.

in 3D Motion/Gait Analysis, Sports Medicine, Kinematic analysis of Golf Putting, Mirror Neurons during 3D Motion.

PI (Principal Investigator) for University College Dublin Postgraduate Research Fellowship (Mirror Neurons in 3D Motion). Collaborators University College Dublin Ireland (School of Psychology, 2006-2007.

PI (Principal Investigator) for University College Dublin Postgraduate Research Fellowship (Potential of Mirror Neurons in Stroke Rehabilitation). Collaborators University College Dublin Ireland (School of Nursing, 2006-2007.

PI (Principal Investigator) for University College Dublin Postgraduate Research Fellowship (Kinematic analysis of Golf putting). Collaborators University College Dublin Ireland (School of Psychology, 2005-2006.

in 'Research Methods', Functional Anatomy & Kinesiology', 'Biomechanics', 'Manipulative Procedures' and 'Introduction to Massage', 'Clinical Physiotherapy Skills 1', 'Sports Physiotherapy', 'Falls and Exercise in the Elderly'. 

Course Development:
Postgraduate Certificate in Outcome Assessment Motor Disability (Totally e-learning based course). Postgraduate Graduate Diploma/MSc. in Healthcare (Acupuncture). BSc Physiotherapy (Restructure 2005/6 in line with UCD Horizons Programme). BSc Physiotherapy & Performance Science (New Programme September 2007).

Former Editor in Chief for the Physiotherapy Practice and Research Journal. Instigated the addition of a new editorial board

Member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP). 


Clinical Employment.
  1. Senior Physiotherapist (Community Care/Neurology), South-West Donegal Community Care. 2009-2012.
  2. Acting Physiotherapy Manager (Community Care Physiotherapy), Community Care Area 7, Dublin. 2001.
  3. Sports Physiotherapist (Sports Medicine), Sligo GAA Senior/U21/Minor. 2000-03.
  4. Senior Physiotherapist (Respiratory/Cardiac Rehabilitation), Sligo Gen Hosp. Medical/ICU/Neurology. 2000-01.
  5. Senior Physiotherapist (Rehabilitation), St. John¿s Community Hosp. Rehabilitation 1999-00.
  6. Senior Physiotherapist (Orthopaedics), Clontarf Orthopaedic Hosp. 1998-00.
  7. Private Practice Physiotherapist (Musculoskeletal, Varied Locum/Personal Practice 1996-Present.
  8. Physical Therapist (Musculoskeletal), Florida, USA. Outpatient Rehabilitation 1993-96.
  9. Basic Grade Physiotherapist (Rheumatology), Our Lady's Hospital, Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim 1992-1993.
PhD (Medicine) UCD 2002-2006.  

3D kinematic and kinetic patterns associated with chronic ankle instability and control subjects during normal walking.
Main findings that post development of chronic ankle instability individuals walk with ankle in a more (>6 degree) inverted position especially at heel strike. This may contribute to increased likelihood of further sprain and suggests that rehabilitations should emphasise motor control at the ankle to improve proprioceptive awareness in the joint.  

MSc (Sports Physiotherapy) UCD 1996-1999

Taught Masters specialising in Sports Medicine/Physiotherapy with Chartered Physiotherapists and GP's. Minor Thesis: Force-plate analysis of kinematics and kinetics in ankle instability participants. Result: Distinct pattern of weight-bear found post lateral ankle sprain compared to normal.  

BPhysiotherapy UCD 1988-1992

Member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP) on Graduation.

Research Interests

My main research interests involve 
  • Stroke Rehabilitation.
  • Development of community based exercise programmes for Cardiac/Stroke sufferers.
  • Chronic Ankle Instability.

Stroke Research Group (Director Dr Kenneth Monaghan)

This is a brief overview of my new 'Stroke Research Group' developed in IT Sligo, School of Science. At present, we are involved in a number of different studies all related to stroke rehabilitation.

We have 3 PhD students working on Randomised Controlled Trials versus Placebo in the areas of;

1.      Mirror Therapy & Treadmill Training in Chronic Stroke Patients.
2.      Unilateral Strength Training with Mirror Therapy for Upper Extremity in Chronic Stroke Patients.
3.      Functional Movement Training of Lower Extremity with Mirror Therapy for in Chronic Stroke Patients.

We have 3 Health Science & Physiology Final Year Students piloting studies in the following areas;

1.      An observational study to investigate the potential barriers to exercise regimes post stroke.
2.      An investigation of the experience of stroke in spouses of stroke patients.
3.      An investigation into cognitive function in stroke patients using the Oxford Cognitive Scale (OCS).
We also are working with the Cochrane Foundation to finish a full Cochrane Review in the area of 'Physical Interventions for treating spasticity after stroke'. The published protocol can be found at 

Monaghan K, Horgan F, Blake C, Cornall C, Hickey PPM, Lyons BE, Langhorne P. Physical treatment interventions for managing spasticity after stroke (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD009188. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009188.
We have been awarded more than ¿100k over the last 18months and our intention is to be used as a resource by any stakeholders in the North West of Ireland to improve the quality of life of stroke patients, We are very much in collaboration with Dr Paula Hickey (Consultant Geriatrician, Sligo Regional Hospital) & all members of the Stroke services committee, as well as UCD (Dr Catherine Blake) & RCSI (Dr Frances Hickey). 

We have a number of International Collaborators and our Postgrads are intending to visit Universities in Canada (Victoria/Toronto) this year to strengthen their research skills. These main collaborators include;
  • Professor E. Paul Zehr (University of Victoria).
  • Dr Avril Mansfield (University of Toronto)
  • Professor Jimmy Rimmer (University of Alabama).

Please inform your colleges that the group exists and to feel free to contact me or call in to see our excellent research laboratory and facilities at any stage, and chances are that we will contact directly those working in the area of Neurology.
We are currently working to develop some stroke outpatient community based exercise classes in our on campus Sports Centre. We are taking advice from the work ongoing in Scotland (Prof Gillian Mead) and hoping to get this programme off the ground in the summer.

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2011) 'Physical treatment interventions for managing spasticity after stroke (Protocol)'
Monaghan K, Horgan F, Blake C, Cornall C, Hickey PPM, Lyons BE, Langhorne P. (2011) 'Physical treatment interventions for managing spasticity after stroke (Protocol)'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, [Details]
(2007) 'Working through pregnancy: the experiences of Irish hospital-based physiotherapists'
Brady, S., Monaghan, K. (2007) 'Working through pregnancy: the experiences of Irish hospital-based physiotherapists'. Physiotherapy Ireland, 28(2),11-20 [Details]
(2007) 'Increasing the number of gait trial recordings maximises intra-rater reliability of the CODA motion analysis system'
Monaghan, K, Delahunt, E, Caulfield, B. (2007) 'Increasing the number of gait trial recordings maximises intra-rater reliability of the CODA motion analysis system'. Gait & Posture, 25(2):303-15 PMID: 16730177 [Details]
(2006) 'Ankle function during gait in patients with chronic ankle instability compared to controls'
Monaghan, K, Delahunt, E, Caulfield, B. (2006) 'Ankle function during gait in patients with chronic ankle instability compared to controls'. Clinical Biomechanics Bristol Avon, Feb; 21(2), 168-174 PMID: 16269208 [Details]
(2006) 'Changes in lower limb kinematics, kinetics and muscle activity in subjects with functional instability of the ankle joint during a single leg drop jump'
Delahunt E, Monaghan K, Caulfield B. (2006) 'Changes in lower limb kinematics, kinetics and muscle activity in subjects with functional instability of the ankle joint during a single leg drop jump'. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH, 24(10):1991-2000. PMID: 16894592 [Details]
(2006) 'Functional instability of the ankle joint is associated with changes in neuromuscular control and joint movement during walking'
Delahunt E, Monaghan K, Caulfield B. (2006) 'Functional instability of the ankle joint is associated with changes in neuromuscular control and joint movement during walking'. JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, 39; S111 [Details]
(2006) 'Interaction effects in simultaneous motor control and movement perception tasks'
Jackson, S., Brady, N., Cummins, F., Monaghan, K. (2006) 'Interaction effects in simultaneous motor control and movement perception tasks'. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 26(1-2), 141-54 [Details]
(2006) 'Altered neuromuscular control and ankle joint kinematics during walking in subjects with functional instability of the ankle joint'
Delahunt E, Monaghan K, Caulfield B. (2006) 'Altered neuromuscular control and ankle joint kinematics during walking in subjects with functional instability of the ankle joint'. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(12):1970-6. 2006 Aug 22. PMID: 16926342 [Details]
(2005) 'Preliminary results from a 3D motion analysis investigation of the kinematic and kinetic patterns associated with mechanical instability (MI) and functional instability (FI) of the ankle compared to normals during gait'
Monaghan, K., Delahunt, E., Caulfield, B. (2005) 'Preliminary results from a 3D motion analysis investigation of the kinematic and kinetic patterns associated with mechanical instability (MI) and functional instability (FI) of the ankle compared to normals during gait'. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY, 35(5), A-18-19 [Details]
(2005) 'Preliminary results from an investigation into the nature of movement dysfunction during running in individuals with Functional Ankle Instability'
Delahunt E, Monaghan K, Caulfield B. (2005) 'Preliminary results from an investigation into the nature of movement dysfunction during running in individuals with Functional Ankle Instability'. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY, 35: A-19 [Details]
(2005) 'A 3 D investigation of the kinetic and kinematic patterns in chronic ankle instability and control subjects during the early stance phase of gait'
Monaghan, K., Delahunt, E., Caulfield, B. (2005) 'A 3 D investigation of the kinetic and kinematic patterns in chronic ankle instability and control subjects during the early stance phase of gait'. Gait & Posture, 22(1), Suppl. 1-58 [Details]
(2004) '3D Motion Analysis. Potential applications for the Physiotherapy profession, with optimism for the future?'
Monaghan, K. (2004) '3D Motion Analysis. Potential applications for the Physiotherapy profession, with optimism for the future?'. Physiotherapy Ireland, 25(2),15-18 [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
1999 MMedSc (Sports Physiotherapy) NUI (UCD)
2006 PhD (Medicine) NUI (UCD)
1992 BPhysiotherapy NUI (UCD)

Modules Taught

  Term (ID)) Title Link Subject
201600 HLTH and FITNESS 32743HLTH and FITNESS
2014 Research Methods 2 RM2Research