Find all of the information and documents relevant to invigilation on this page. Exams take place each year in the first two weeks of January, the last two weeks in May and the last two weeks in August. Exams are scheduled for a 10 – 12 day period, including Saturdays, excluding Sundays.
There are three exam sessions on each day, 9.30am, 1pm and 4.30pm. Invigilators arrive at the exam hall at least 30 minutes before the exam is due to begin. Invigilators are not required to be available for every exams session on each day.
Please note we are currently not hiring additional invigilators as our invigilation pool is currently full.
Below are the links to various documents including the Invigilator Handbook, the link to claim payment, the link to submit availability for the next exam session etc.
Please take the time to review the Invigilator Handbook and Exam Regulations before each exam season.
Submit your invigilation hours
Please use this link to submit your invigilation hours for payment, by choosing from a dropdown list.
There is no need to add preparation time as the system will add this automatically. In the smaller exam centres (not including Knocknarea Arena or Hume Hall), if you scribed (hand wrote exam answers as directed by a student), please tick the box to indicate this for any exams for which you scribed. Additional payment is made to invigilators who scribe.
If you require any further information or have a query, please email examinations on